Bug Out Planning for Pre-Teens and Teens (Age 10-18)

Bug Out Planning for Pre-Teens and Teens (Age 10-18)

As children enter their teenage years is it important to teach them a sense of responsibility. Giving them tasks to do when a bug out situation is imminent is vital to assisting you in making sure your family is taken care of during this crisis. Giving them a task to perform is essential for all children at the age where some amount of responsibility can be given.

Here are some things your pre-teen and teenager can learn from you and be able to perform during an emergency:

  • Basic survival skills
  • First aid
  • Signaling
  • Orienteering
  • Fire building
  • Scavenging
  • Hunting
  • Trapping
  • Shelter building
  • And many more…

Making sure you’ve set up what will happen in the event of different emergencies, with everyone having a hand in making sure everything is taken care of will be vital to your family’s ability to get through a crisis or emergency.

Going through the steps of bugging out, you can give some of the responsibility over to the pre-teen or teenager to perform certain tasks. Give them a list of things they will grab, along with any essential duties they will perform during the crisis or emergency. Having a plan is essential and teaching your children that it is important to not only plan out bug out situations, but have some responsibility in them will help them with their own children when and if they have any.

When planning, going through various steps, and making sure they are paying attention to the details is vital to the success of your bugging out. Make sure they are paying attention, taking it seriously, and meeting all the requirements of the duties you have given them to do. Praise them when they think of something you haven’t or come up with a more efficient or effective idea. Not only is important that they are a vital part of your “team” but they feel appreciated for their input on the situation.

After you’ve gone through the steps, make sure they’ve got a list, whether it be something they have written down step by step, or just put a word down to remind them to do certain things. You can have them write down:

  1. Grab the emergency medical kit from under the sink

Or they may choose to write it out as:

  1. Medical kit

Whichever way they remember is fine, it is more important they are part of the success of your family during this difficult period. Not only will it give them self confidence that they can assist and even have input on your situation, but you are teaching them how to work effectively as part of a team.

Teens are also able to understand that a bug out situation can be very dangerous and that they may need to defend themselves or their family members.  If you are comfortable and knowledgeable in self-defense or weapons training it would be wise to pass this information on to older teens in a responsible manner.

Family Bug Out Bag: Tween and Teens

  • Pre-Teen and Teen Bug Out Bag: Not only should they be able to gather and carry their own personal bug out bag, you may be able to have them carry other essential items like medical gear, food, the stove, etc.
  • Bag: Make sure you let them pick out their own bag, with your direction, of course. Letting them know this must be a durable bag, not a cheap one will show them this is a serious situation that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Make sure the bag they choose fits them properly and can hold the appropriate amount of their gear.
  • Hunting Tools: Teens are old enough to be taught at minimum proper weapon safety, care, and use. Note that this does not have to be a firearm, if you are uncomfortable with giving a minor a gun you can still teach them to fend for themselves with a slingshot or bow and arrow.  Have them practice accuracy and stalking as a part of your regular preparedness exercises so they are ready to catch dinner when you are bugging out.
  • Knife: Using a knife in a survival situation is important because they have so many uses. Teach your pre-teen and teen the proper holding, storage, and handling of the knife you are going to give to them, and even how to sharpen it when necessary. 

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