Preparing For Food Shortages
Contrary to what people think, food shortages are common occurrences. They can happen for a variety of reasons and typically end up with the same result. People that lack the foresight to plan ahead for things like food shortages are caught off guard and have to come up with a plan B when others are getting by creatively with what they put together in advance.
There are a few reasons that food shortages can occur:
Floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and fires can wipe out crops in a matter of minutes. When this happens, it can devastate the food industry. Sometimes it is for a short period of time and sometimes it can last for weeks, months, or even years. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans left many people stranded without food, clean water, and shelter for days. Japan had a Tempo Famine that lasted for years.
Any type of conflict or war makes food production difficult. It slows down food delivery as nations worry less about food distribution and more about the war itself. War can also impact the economy and make it more difficult to purchase food due to the fact that people simply cannot afford it.
Even after the Second Congo War in Africa in 2004, 1,000 people a day died from malnutrition and disease.
Food shortages during pandemics are common, as people typically do not interact with one another, making going to work impossible. This is also true for people who work in the food industry. During this recent pandemic, we had many meat facilities close down due to an abundance of COVID cases and even deaths from employees working in these facilities.
When we are told to stay home and not come into contact with other people, we cannot produce the proper amount of food to feed a nation. Right now we are feeling the impact of that as we cannot always get the food we want at the grocery store.
Preparation is being able to ascertain what the threat is and gathering what we need to deal with it. One prepper told us he has everything in his home to cook, eat, drink, and light his house in the event he has no electricity, no running water, and cannot go buy food.
You have to plan the same way.
Make sure you have enough food to last the length of time you will need. This is different for everyone, but starting with one month is a great investment. This way you can breathe a sigh of relief that you’ve got yourself covered for one month if something disrupts the food supply chain.
Also, learn to can and preserve food. Dehydration, freeze drying, and canning are great ways to keep food for yourself and do not take much time or effort.
Everything you do to become self-sufficient will pay off when you need it to. While everyone else is scrambling for food and wondering where their next meal will come from, you will have it stored up. Just make sure you cover all the bases: you will need fruits, vegetables, protein, and carbs.
Make sure you store up one gallon per day for every adult in your home. This means if you are beginning at one month you will need approximately 30 gallons of water just for yourself.
If your food storage requires water, make sure you store that up separately from what you will need per day.
Keep an eye on the amount of water you are storing and rotate it as necessary. Do your research regarding how long you can store water, the best temperature to keep it at, and how often you’ll need to rotate it. Do the same with your food supply. Make sure you know where it should be stored in your home, that it stays at the right temperature, and does not come into contact with light.
Preparing for a food shortage will take a bit of planning and research but being able to put food on the table is essential.
How many ppl will the 2 bucket 30 day supply feed?
Gordon Tatro
I live in a condo (3 three-story buildings (one is a sub-basement) with 15 families each (I’m single). Total people…just shy of 100 people…children to handicapped seniors). It is ALL electric…we are located in Western Massachusetts where temperatures are easily below 44 (the temp at which one sees their exhaled breath) and an easy 4 consecutive days between 20 to 32 degrees. With no heat we are in trouble not only for heat but for finding and storing water and too sanitation…water that is not too cold (or hard!) to drink or flush (not to mention frozen pipes). Contacting the Condo Association seems a lost cause (they do not seem responsible to prepare…even though suggestions have been made and offered. Asked if they had a: severe cold temp power outage plan met with the sound of crickets). There is concern that this coming election and too the inauguration speech (regardless of who gives it) that destruction will be done to the Electrical power grid of the Northeastern Seaboard from Washington DC and up northward by either rioters or (some) Chinese students (there are believed to be mil agents dubbing as students with a goal to take out the grid…in preparation that China will then invade Taiwan and with America having 40 million without power such an impact internally would keep congress more of-balance than it already is). I wonder how many other complexes that have no ability to set-up generators or that have alternate power sources or even have even contemplated such an emergency situation there are…? The highways would become long thin graveyards of people popsicles all trying to drive south with one tank of gas…!
Matt in Oklahoma
My guns are cool but not starving or watching my kids and grandkids suffer is cooler.
We got a brief glimpse of possibilities during the virus lockdown and thereafter so don’t waste the rough patch and use it to prepare for eventualities.
Better to have something and not need it, then to need something and not have it. These are days of uncertainty.
I take each possible scenario and write down a back up plan, and cover the “shortfalls. In the military (Army Airborne Chaplain” we were taught…“situation awareness” and “know your enemy.” E.g. when I go to a big store, I locate the back exit…just in case. In time, “bartering.” Learn how. Assets: precious metals. who can afford gold? Get $20 worth of quarters at the bank. 1967-64, 40% silver content…before ’64, 90% silver. store in rolled coins. Coins can be used in bartering.
Recommend…the Organic Prepper…good info…write down.