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Confidence Born of Preparation ®

Since its inception in 2004, National Preparedness Month has been a great way to get started or gain momentum in getting prepared. Look in your local community for things going on that have to do with preparedness this month.

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Taking care of yourself not only improves the way you act, think, and react—those positive effects are also passed along to the people around you. Anyone who’s started a workout routine and gotten someone else involved knows the benefit of passing along good habits.

How do we begin? Here are just a few examples of how you can take care of yourself and in the process take care of everyone around you.

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Most of the information out there about prepping has to do with adults and how they can manage and navigate a disaster situation. Very few articles have been written regarding children and what they can do. There a lot of reasons for this, but a big part of it is that we expect less from children. In our minds, they should be taken care of and not have to worry about preparing for events.

This attitude might be why we have a generation that does not garden, can, or freeze dry foods for storage. It is why we have lost the reason our ancestors made it through the Great Depression. It is why during an actual crisis, instead of worrying about important things, stores were running out of toilet paper.

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Floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and fires can wipe out crops in a matter of minutes. When this happens, it can devastate the food industry. Sometimes it is for a short period of time and sometimes it can last for weeks, months, or even years. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans left many people stranded without food, clean water, and shelter for days. Japan had a Tempo Famine that lasted for years.

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Whether you have decided that your school district has this under control and are sending your child back this fall or you’ve opted to home school, we will all still need to deal with this pandemic over the winter when most of us are stuck indoors. Certain precautions need to be taken so we don’t have another huge surge of the virus in our area, and that will remain to be seen in a few short weeks.

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